Case Study: Health Coaches Pilot Diet ID to Improve Diet Quality by 23%

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A popular global fitness company with 4.5 million members and 4,000 franchised locations in 50 countries recently piloted a health coaching practice that included Diet ID as part of its diet assessment and goal setting.

This use case is significant because the health coaches wanted a way to measure and manage nutrition while enhancing workflow. Diet ID allowed them to obtain a quick assessment report with a high completion rate (91%) and accuracy (80% per user report), as well as actionable steps to improve diet quality.

The pilot took place between the months of October and January, a time that is notorious for holiday-related weight gain and lapses in good dietary habits. The population as a whole did not gain weight during this period; in fact, average weight decreased slightly, while diet quality scores improved by 23 percent! Also, on average:

  • Added sugar intake decreased by 28 grams per day

  • Healthy fats (mono- and poly-unsaturated) increased by 14%

  • Sodium intake decreased by 10%

  • Fiber intake increased by 9 grams per day

The health coaches, with no formal nutrition training, were able to obtain a detailed report of estimated energy intake, nutrient breakdown, and food group analysis in real time. The users got to engage in several weeks of microchallenges that Diet ID personalized for their dietary goals.

This case study illustrates the scalability of the Diet ID toolkit, and how it can be used in an in-person or digital coaching environment. Its flexible data reporting options provide deep insights into outcome metrics and program success among age groups, genders, goals, and locations.