Case Study: Employee Wellness Program ROI

For employee health initiatives, return on investment may be measured in both dollars and in healthy living years. Diet ID is committed to both — improved diet quality translates into both cost savings and increased longevity.


One of our clients, the health and wellness program provider of a government agency, uses Diet ID among a subset of its 4000 employees. Over about a year’s time, among those who repeated the assessment, the data show both weight loss (3.3 lbs on average) as well as improvement in diet quality (5% overall and 10% among those who are engaged in Diet ID’s digital daily coaching).

Based on this relatively modest improvement in diet quality, along with known metrics on chronic disease rate and healthcare cost burden, this organization can expect an annual savings of over $87,000. Time to achieve ROI is calculated to take just over 5 months.

Diet ID is on a mission to treat diet as a vital sign — and diet quality as a KPI in health and wellness interventions.

Download entire case study here.