LAUREN AMOS, MS, RD, LDN, Account Manager

Lauren is a Registered Dietitian with a profound background in the world of wellness and nutrition. She has held key roles, including serving as a Public Health Nutritionist with the Florida Department of Health, and a Public Health Project Analyst within a prominent healthcare system in Florida. In the latter position, she showcased her leadership skills by spearheading community-based nutrition programs, making a significant impact on the health and well-being of local communities.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Lauren is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being. In her spare time, she shares her expertise and passion for health by teaching yoga. Her commitment to mindfulness and physical fitness underscores her dedication to helping others lead healthier, more balanced lives.

With a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from West Chester University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Science from the University of North Florida, Lauren has established herself as a well-rounded professional in her field.