6 Steps to overcome cravings

“Raise your hand if you know what it feels like to really, really want to eat something that you know you shouldn’t, because you’re trying so hard to eat well and reach your health and/or weight goals.” Whenever I start a presentation with that opening, every hand in the room shoots up. Cravings are something just about everyone can relate to.

Cravings aren’t a matter of “what should I eat?” -- it’s more of “how do I stop myself from eating that?” Try these steps out next time you salivate at the smell of french fries or find yourself face-to-face with an opened package of your favorite cookies. These “6 D’s” will help you combat and eventually conquer your most stubborn food cravings.


Force a 5 to 10 minute wait window. Waiting before eating allows you to be mindful about your dilemma and gives you the opportunity to make a more deliberate, less impulsive choice. Ask yourself: “Why do I want that food?” This requires complete honesty and focus. There’s always a reason to eat – I’m hungry, it’s mealtime, I’m bored, I’m sad, I’m lonely, I’m stressed, other people around me are eating, the food is free, I’m watching a baseball game, I don’t want to be hungry later, I want to get rid of leftovers… there are endless reasons, and they’re not always good ones! Think of effective ways to address those emotional or psychological needs behind these cravings, as food will not alleviate them.


So, are you truly hungry? Or is it something else? Once you tap into those actual reasons you eat, you’re forced to consider what exactly you are putting in your body and re-evaluate your decision. It also helps to figure out the tactile reasons for your craving. Are you craving crunch? Salt? Sweet? Cold? Creamy? The more you understand the basis of your craving, the better you can manage it.


Sometimes a simple swap nips that craving in the bud, allowing you to give in and move on without destroying your healthy diet along the way. For example, instead of that ginormous cinnamon bun you’re dying for, try a small bowl of whole grain oatmeal with raisins and pecans. Smart swaps like this satisfy your sweet tooth AND allow you to stick to your plan. A true win-win!


If you're truly not hungry, distracting yourself with something could help you to avoid the temptation of eating. I know it seems too easy, but distractions DO work. Here’s a list of ideas:

Try one or more of these to conquer your next craving:

  • Chew sugar-free gum

  • Drink water or seltzer

  • Smell a nonfood item, like lavender oil, a scented candle, or a fresh pine cone (the scent of jasmine has been shown to reduce chocolate cravings!)

  • Go out for a walk, bike ride, or to the gym

  • Plan your next healthy meal

  • Wherever you are, do a few sit-ups, pushups, squats, lunges, or toe raises.

  • Housework / cleaning / organizing

  • Check email / social media

  • Run an errand

  • Read, do paperwork, do a puzzle, draw, or color

  • Watch TV or movie

  • Call or Facetime a friend

  • Listen to or make your own music

  • Meditate or visualize something pleasant


Mentally (and eventually physically) distancing yourself from the food you’re craving can give your mind time to re-evaluate your decision. One way to do this is to think about the consequences of your options. If you choose a brisk walk over polishing off that pint of ice cream, for example, you can imagine in advance how good it will feel when you’re done. Meditate on the victory you’ll experience after the walk, then make it happen!


Decide to indulge or resist. If you regret the indulgence, use that as future ammo to decide better. Some people find it useful to keep a “cravings log” to keep track of cravings and details like time of day, mood, hunger scale, energy level, foods craved, what was eaten that day, etc. Doing this helps to identify patterns and triggers to crave, which will help to avoid cravings in the future.

Bonus -- Here are a few extra tips to prevent cravings as well as encourage optimal health in general.

Get enough sleep. It’s not just you – lack of sleep affects cravings. When you’re well-rested, your hunger and appetite hormones are under better control and you will crave less often, and less intensely.

Tame the sugar habit. The less sugar you eat, the less you crave sweets over time. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit or a stevia-sweetened beverage.

Exercise daily. Regular exercise promotes feelings of well-being, overall fitness, and brain chemistry balance, all of which fight cravings.

Manage your stress. Stress drives so many unhealthy behaviors. Successful stress management allows us to more effectively handle life’s challenges.

Evaluate your diet. Are you getting enough calories? Being hungry sparks cravings. Are you mixing it up enough? Monotony fosters cravings: studies show that people who are getting their nutritional needs met with just shakes, for example, experience far more cravings than those eating a varied diet.

Hang in there! You can conquer cravings. A recent study reported that food cravings are most prevalent for those following a low-quality diet. So the longer you follow a high-quality, nutrient-dense, primarily whole-foods diet, the less likely you’ll experience junk food cravings.